Transport & Logistics Quality Mark and Approved Work Placement Company
Automation is important; it saves time and minimises errors. Rosendaal Transport is continually introducing new developments. We use a high-quality Transport Management System. Clients can register sent items directly through our online portal, after which the orders appear in our TMS. All our lorries are equipped with an on-board computer, which is connected to our TMS. Furthermore, all towing and towed units have a GPS-tracking system.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Our business practices promote Corporate Social Responsibility, based on an awareness of the world we live in.
For Rosendaal Transport the environment is a top priority. More than 85% of our fleet consists of Euro 6 vehicles. In 2016 we expanded our fleet by an LHV, further ensuring a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. We are confident that our modern and flexible fleet is appropriately future-proof.
There are no gas connections in our building, and our offices are cooled and heated by an air heat exchanger system. Furthermore, our roofs currently have 205 solar panels on them, and all our buildings have LED-lighting. This makes our building carbon neutral.